The Continuing Saga of the BDA Study Tour...

WOW! I'm hoping I'll eventually get to finish this saga... anyway the story continues

We arrive @ Kooralbyn to be greeted by a signs all over the place "No BYO Alcohol" What are they joking!?!?!

The 20+ year old Rammed Earth building was exceptionally nice although showing its age and wear n' tear in a few spots but it was nice to have a couple days rest and not have to pack up & go in the morning...

So what to do in a place with little or no shops, hardly any phone reception let alone net reception... there was at least a 8-ball table, lots of reptilian friends and birdlife, a black bottomed swimming pool and a golf course with electric buggies - time to go terrorising with fellow SA comrade, Mark P.

When we did finally leave on Wednesday morning, its was off to a very enjoyable rubbarb pie morning tea, followed by Cedar Creek Winery for lunch complete with glow-worm cave tour and finally arriving at the Royal Pines Resort Hotel in readiness for the Golf Day & Conference to be held over the next three days...
For a more comprehensive photo gallery - look here


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