It's All In The Gene's...

You have eye colour, for example, blue eyes like your mom and long legs like your dad. Things like this are incredible when you think about it: we inherited every physical attribute from our parents, from copies of their genes. But what other things came from our predecessors?  One thing I inherited from my mum was Hammertoes. 

So what are Hammertoes, you ask?

Hammertoe is typically a bending of one or both joints of the second, third, fourth, or fifth (little) toes. This abnormal bending can put pressure on the toe when wearing shoes, causing problems to develop.

Hammertoes usually start out as mild deformities and get progressively worse over time.  Hammertoes are progressive – they don’t go away by themselves and usually they will get worse over time.

I elected to have my hammertoes corrected by surgery, starting with the left foot. This was performed by Dr G. Dracopolus and his great surgical team, on October 30.

For the skirmish, some of you may not wish to view some of these images - you've been warned...







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