
Showing posts from June, 2014

Autodesk releases COBie Toolkit for Revit 2015

Recently in an Autodesk blog "In The Fold" - it was announced that Autodesk aced the buildingSMART BIM interoperability challenge held the beginning of this year. When self proclaimed BIM (Building Information Modelling) and FM (Facilities Management) geeks get together for friendly discussion, COBie nearly always get mentioned in some form or another. So what the heck is COBie? COBie is an acronym for " C onstruction O perations B uilding i nformation e xchange". Its purpose to exchange information that is gathered during construction to be passed on to a building's facility manager.  COBie defines the way this information shall be structure and the formats that should be used. Autodesk are continuing to work on data exchange protocols and as such now have extended their COBie Toolkit for Revit to their 2015 product line or download the toolkit now delivered