
Showing posts from 2007 early Christmas present

Woo Hoo... what a great early chrissie present I recieved earlier today... I received word that I've been elected back into the AUGI BoD for my second term. It'll be great to keep working with the old team and especially the two new BoD members, John Morgan and Larry Swinea.

AU 2007 been and gone...

Well its been 2 weeks since AU 2007 has finished and I was hoping to post something whilst there but the scottish blood in me didn't wish to pay $10/day for internet access... and besides there were enough bloggers about posting comments about AU... I do have some nice photos, so of which made into the AUGI CWC Calendar ... some didn't... and some couldn't... and some worth mentioning, namely... not the "best side" of the amazing "Stump the Experts MC, CADMama"; new AUGI BoD candidate, Larry Swinea; AUGI Top Daug finialists in action; the AUGI Past Presidents and even... Shaan Hurley with the Matt Murphy head

Vegas here I come...

Here it is only 38 hours before I leave on another trip to the states, madly finishing off some lose ends for work and haven't even thought about packing... Looking forward to catching up with friends once again with an exciting week at Autodesk University, the AUGI AGM and beer bash... These last two years serving on the AUGI board of Directors has been a truly amazing experience and hoping I'll be once again priviledge to serve on the BoD again... Oh well better get these jobs finished so I can start packing! See you in Vegas

Everyone should take a holiday...

OK I'm back from my 3+ weeks of glorious holidays... Now, about our lovely holiday... three and a bit weeks spent with some wonderful friends... it couldn't have been more perfect. We had really great weather, even better food and some mighty fine whisky - both irish & scottish, and some amazingly fun conversations, particularly whilst driving in our rental car with bitchin' Betty (our GPS). First up was a brief stay in Singapore -a great city, fantastic food & exceptionally nice people, amazing buildinggs and a shopper's paradise. Next is where we met up with friends Richard & Heather in Rome. A city filled with architectural and historical masterpieces. Again great food and drinks. Next came Ireland - its just as green and beautiful as everyone says it is... and the people are just so friendly. The castles we stayed in were absolutely bloody fantastic, the Guinness and other assorted irish beers and who could not forget the mighty fine irish whiskies....

Well...I'm off again...

Well...I'm off again only this time I'm heading towards Europe and ultimately Ireland. If I have the chance I'll post some photos... otherwise I'll see you all when I return...

AutoDesk University Registration Opens!

Woo Hoo!!! The time has arrived for Autodesk subscription members and AUGI members alike... we can now register to attend Autodesk University. What's that you say, you've never attended AU !?!?! If you use Autodesk software, then there is one conference you should make a point in attending - this is it!!! As part of my invovlement with AUGI Board of Directors, I had the privaledge last year to attend AU for the first time, and it truly is a mind-blowing experience. It’s the place to keep your skills up to date, learn about future trends, and discover new ways to experience productivity on a whole new level. This years' event is held from November 27 - 30, 2007 at the Venetian Resort Hotel in beautiful Las Vegas, you won't want to miss this wonderful all inclusive event - that's right, it's exceptional value because everything is all inclusive - hotel accomodation and if you get to stay at the Venetian, the rooms are just amazing, food, drinks, entertainment, e...

One Year Later

Sadly, a couple of friends passed away 12 months, come August 1st, one a long time friend and collegue, Andrew; the other an online friend, who I never got the chance to meet personally, Brother Sid… One Year Later We don't think of dearest friends as gone. They are on an unending journey that has barely begun. Life holds so many differsent facets, the time on earth is only one. We think of them as resting from problems and fears, In a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days or years. Think how they must be wishing, that we could know today, that nothing but our sadness can really pass away. We think of them as living, in the hearts of all those they touched… for nothing loved is ever lost — and we love them so much.

More photos from Boston & Albany

Well since I've been back... all hell's broken loose with work & I'm despartately in catch-up mode. So here's some more photos from Boston, MA & Albany, NY - and it was great to actually be there for Jen's birthday :)

Back In Boston again...

After a very brief sojourn in Vermont, I'm now back in Boston with friends Jen & Roy and our first port of call after checking into our lodgings was taking a tour of the famous Samuel Adams brewery - truly a must see if ever in Boston. Other highlights include the Boston Aquarium and the fabulous penguins, Quincy market, Boston Common and prior to heading back to Albany, NY and brief visit to historic Salem, MA and later North Adams, MA

Vermont Timeout

WOW! what a week and a bit... first copula days I took just to recharge the batteries, after a glorious train trip from Boston, then it was off t0 Vermont and a quaint little town of Bennington with its marvellous covered bridges, monuments, fruit wines and fabulous food... more later to be continued...

AUGI BoD meeting and beyond... part 1

Apart from the never-ending flight to get here, some 31+ hours flying time including layovers, this time in the US has been fabulous.. . The meeting were held at the " hallowed grounds " of the " Revit Factory " in the Autodesk offices @ Waltham and was truly an uplifting experience. After the board meeting was over, a few of us ventured into Boston, to find the fabled "Cheers" watering hole and stock up on some tourist souvenirs... Sunday most were headed back home, whilst I ventured over to the Amtrak South Terminal bound for Albany, NY to spend time with friends Jen & Roy for the remaining time of my US trip be continued

Getting ready for warmer weather

Well the training has all been done... hopefully successfully. Well I passed all the theory exams, just haven't recieved my certificates of attainment yet for AccuRate and BERS Pro software. I've been starting to review what is required to get accredited as an ABSA assessor - something to look forward to after returning back from the US in July. I'm looking forward with catching up with the AUGI BoD again when I travel to the US next week for 2 glorious weeks - hopefully the weather will be warmer than the chilly weather Adelaide has been experiencing this past week, where tempuatures plunged to 1.6C here in the city. It was the coldest morning since the same day last year, when it was 0.2C. brrrrr.... its cold

AccuRate Training in WA

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun... this first week has gone quickly and I'm half way through the "Building Thermal Performance Assessment (Residential)" training course conducted by ABSA. I've started software training in both AccuRate and Bers PRO and whilst they both have their quirks, I can see the need for both applications in my practice... Today saw me in the Swan Valley for a bit of R & R and the samples at the Great Northern Distillery were fantastic - but hurt the plastic a bit... Oh well... better get back to the books I've got another two tests to pass yet, let alone some more practice on the rating tools.

Thanks to AUGI Volunteers

Whilst finializing my monthly duties as an AUGI Director, I had the urge to compose a poem dedicated to all the AUGI Volunters, that assist and help us in many ways unmeasureable... To all the wonderful AUGI Volunteers! The gift you give is beyond all measure; Worth too much to count or weigh. To us it is a priceless treasure, That grows in value day by day. Your service, compassion, commitment and care Inspire us all and set you apart. You give of yourself with the time you share. AUGI Volunteers…. Accept our thanks from the heart.

The Continuing Saga of the BDA Study Tour...

WOW! I'm hoping I'll eventually get to finish this saga... anyway the story continues We arrive @ Kooralbyn to be greeted by a signs all over the place "No BYO Alcohol" What are they joking!?!?! The 20+ year old Rammed Earth building was exceptionally nice although showing its age and wear n' tear in a few spots but it was nice to have a couple days rest and not have to pack up & go in the morning... So what to do in a place with little or no shops, hardly any phone reception let alone net reception... there was at least a 8-ball table, lots of reptilian friends and birdlife, a black bottomed swimming pool and a golf course with electric buggies - time to go terrorising with fellow SA comrade, Mark P. When we did finally leave on Wednesday morning, its was off to a very enjoyable rubbarb pie morning tea, followed by Cedar Creek Winery for lunch complete with glow-worm cave tour and finally arriving at the Royal Pines Resort Hotel in readiness for the Golf Day ...

The BDA Study Tour Continues...

Where does the time go... The BDA Study Tour continues... ...continuing on from where I left off after a sumptuous meal we were entertained by lawyer, Paul Brennan. Evening drinks & frivolities once again ended up in my apartment with some great photos taken... An early start, saw us packed n' ready to go heading our way pack into Brissy for a Port of Brisbane Tour, Austral Bricks tour and later Coke Cola tour... Look out Kooralbyn, you don't know what's about to hit ya
WoW! What a week this past one has been... the only downside is not getting access to the internet. As a prequel to the 2007 BDA National Conference , I attended the Study Tour which commenced in Brisbane, Queensland last Saturday, March 24 where we gathered to have a few drinks with the participants before walking off the discover Brisbane's "Southbank" nightlife and the days ahead touring the Sunshine coast, Queensland Hinterland and eventually arriving at the conference venue, Crowne Plaza Royal Pines Resort in the Gold Coast. A moderately early start, after late-ish night wandering the streets of Brisbane with another SA participant, Mark P, before heading our way to the Sunshine Coast and Aussie World, on Sunday. Upon arrival at Aussie World (home of the famous Ettamogah Pub) saw the largest scone I've ever seen laden with jam n' cream - a great morning tea and a great start to the Study Tour. After a design session with Noosa building designer, Stephen Kidd...

Dinner & Show @ Chez Lynn's - 21 January 2007

The first AUGI BoD meeting for 2007 is now over & wow! we've got our work cut out for us this year...Saturday night was capped off with a superb sumptuous dinner @ Chez Lynn's place served by "waiter" Conner. Without doubt, that was The BEST steak I have ever had... great job Craig!I had brought over for Lynn a cute Aussie Koala... but Lynn's dog, Tiffany had other ideas... she quickly claimed the Koala as her own - it was hilarious to watch!