Crickey... its been how long???
Oh the shame of it all... I hadn't realized well I had but its been too long between ramblings...
I can't believe how little spare time I've had this year... So what's happened between now and then, you ask
- Christmas o7, pretty uneventful lots of partying with friends, drinkies, etc
- January saw me still in Oz working
- February - woo hoo, back into the states again for AUGI; had a fabulous time at Lynne's "Super Bowl" party then back home for the Festival Fringe & the Clipsal 500...
- March - more work, BDA Golf Day and my team completing its 5th successful back-2-back NAGA's
- now its at the end of April, with me getting ready to attend the National BDA Conference & Design Awards in Canberra, our Nationa's capital. Before signing off this time round, looks like Winter is fast approaching downunder - it actually hailed last Sunday afternoon...