Life's Little Mysteries...
Ago after my glorious holiday away during May-June, my doctors advised on a recent routine blood test, an slightly elevated calcium levels were present… this gave cause for concern thinking it was most likely an enlarged parathyroid gland…
So, late June-early July off I go to get an ultrasound scan of my neck, which revealed no enlarged parathyroid however it picked up another lump…
Now I needed a CT scan which the preparation can mess with my diabetic meds – just all I need… so off I go to have this CT scan and then the drama begins…
Now mid July, my local GP refers me to a specialist who doesn’t tell me the test results but she wants to review the scan with others before discussing options with me… At that stage I was advised I had Stage 3 Lymphoma.
I got jack of that approach and contacted another specialist via my GP who thought that approach was just plain stupid and promptly scheduled a biopsy of the lump which was wedged between my carotid artery & jugular – just the area you want someone digging around with sharp objects…
Now the waiting begins in earnest… 2 weeks later with little sleep and literally the day before I plan to go back to the US (for AUGI meetings) I see the surgeon dude again to get results and remove stiches… Well the stiches got removed but they have no results as yet... bloody hell, the suspense is starting to get to me but trying to stay positive…
All that was said that is was probably a Lymphoma, although its type was still to be determined. So at that time, I was still uncertain of potential outcomes...
OK, the day after I get back from the US, off I go to the Lymphoma specialist - they still have no effin’ idea on what it is... it has been sent to the foremost Lymphoma specialist in the country (and one of the world's top 10) and we're still waiting on his conclusions. Apparently he hasn't decided yet what it is yet.
It has been suggested that it is probably a lymphoma that lives in the body, causes no harm, and as my specialist commented that if I feel good then I'm probably am...
If “its” not causing me concern then we shall not interfere with it…
In the meantime, don't call us, we'll call you...
So we wait and, in the meantime, go on with our lives
In reality that is the best news I had… J