Wow it's amazing what one week can do... Over the last three years, I have been slowly losing weight - no special diets or weight loss programs, just eating sensibly, cutting carbs and exercising a whole lot more. I have lost a lot of weight, possibly in excess of 60kgs (approx 132lbs). I don't really know the exact amount, but its a heck of a lot and I feel all the better for it. One thing I couldn't lose however was the excess skin and fat that dominated the area around my middle to lower abdomen... To do this, I needed what is known as Abdominoplasty surgery, or as its commonly known as a "tummy tuck". This time, at least readers will be spared photos of the surgery... I may post images later of the before and after, if I can obtain copies from my amazing surgeon, Dr Margaret Anderson. This time last week, I was being prepped for this procedure and the end result is absolutely amazing. The procedure removed approximately 6.5 kgs. Yes, I'm ...